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Latest revision as of 16:48, 25 March 2017

  1. In the old days, there was a bumper sticker that read THE MOST VIOLENT ELEMENT IN SOCIETY IS IGNORANCE.
    Ignorance is a human universal. So the most violent element in society is humans. Well, duh.
    What the bumper sticker really means by "ignorance", of course, is not the universal human ignorance. What the bumper sticker defines as "ignorance" and vilifies as the most violent element in society is -disagreement-. If you -disagree-, then we label you -ignorant-. That's what the bumper sticker really said. And it wasn't without effect. In those years long ago, there was a bit of a societal shove against "ignorance", meaning "disagreement".
  2. There are plenty of candidates for the Most Violent Element In Society. American food culture, for instance, sickens millions of humans at the cost of brutalizing tens of millions of animals, wrecking land and fisheries, etc. But the school system is worse, because it processes humans by the millions, and leaves a significant fraction buried in debt, mentally maimed, useless, negative, angry and incurably miserable.

Economically, the school system is a parasite that has outgrown and engulfed the host.